Time Pre-Congress Workshop Venue Convention Hall
(Hall C)Convention Hall
(Hall B)Theatre 2 Convention Hall
(Hall A)8:30-12:00 Pre-congress
Workshop IPre-congress
Workshop IIPre-congress
Workshop IIISpecial Session Transplant Immunology Transplant Oncology Transplant Pathology Transplantation in Asia Infection Diseases and Organ Transplantation (10:40 - 12:00)
CAST-Vitalink Session12:00-13:30 Lunch Break 13:50-15:50 Pre-congress
workshop IVPre-congress
workshop VPre-congress
workshop VISpecial Session Organ Donation and Procurement in Asia Machine Perfusion Updates in Surgery and Beyond AST Ethics Session 16:00-17:00 Exhibition open 17:00-18:00 Opening Ceremony
(Theatre 1)18:00-20:00 Exhibition and Poster Viewing -
Time Day 1 Venue Theatre 1 Convention Hall
(Hall B)Theatre 2 Convention Hall
(Hall A)Room S226 8:30-9:25 (Theatre 1)
Keynote Lecture I9:25-9:30 (Theatre 1)
AST Prize Presentation9:30-10:00 Poster Presentation, Exhibition Visit
Coffee Break
(Convention Foyer)(9:40 - 10:00)
Meet the ExpertProf John Fung
(TTS President-elect)10:00-12:50 State-of-the-art Symposium I 10:00-11:20 Kidney I
Longevity of Transplant KidneyLiver I
Updates in Theranostics in HCCHeart & Lung I
Heart & LungPancreas, Xeno, Tissue/Histocompatibility 11:30-12:50 Kidney II
Kidney Donor Assessment and SelectionLiver II
Revisit the OutcomesHeart & Lung II
HeartHKST Session
(by invitation)13:00-14:20 Industry Sympsium
Lunch Break14:20-16:00 Concurrent Sessions I
(Oral presentations for the selected abstracts)Kidney Liver Basic Science Transplant Immunology 16:00-16:20 Poster Presentation, Exhibition Visit (Convention Foyer)
Coffee Break16:20-18:00 State-of-the-art Symposium II (16:20 - 16:40)
Meet the ExpertKidney III
Challenges in Kidney TransplantationLiver III Heart & Lung III
LungTID-CAST Symposium Prof Sandy Feng
(AJT Editor-in-Chief) -
Time Day 2 Venue Theatre 1 Convention Hall
(Hall B)Theatre 2 Convention Hall
(Hall A)8:30-9:25 (Theatre 1)
Keynote Lecture II9:25-9:30 (Theatre 1)
AST Prize Presentation9:30-10:00 Poster Presentation, Exhibition Visit
Coffee Break
(Convention Foyer)10:00-12:50 State-of-the-art Symposium III 10:00-11:20 Kidney IV
Overcoming Immunological BarrierLiver IV Advances in Basic & Translational Research I Eye Bank Special Session I
Variations in Eye Banking in Different Localities - Successes and Challenges11:30-12: 50 Kidney V
Non-immune Complication of Kidney TransplantLiver V Advances in Basic & Translational Research II Eye Bank Special Session II
Advances in Corneal Transplantation in the Past Decade13:00-14:20 Industry Symposium
Lunch Break14:20-16:00 Concurrent Sessions II
(Oral presentations for the selected abstracts)CAST-WTGF Special Session Transplant Oncology, Pathology and Imaging Outcomes Xenotransplantation, Donation and Ethics Sports and Exercise after Organ Transplantation 16:00-16:20 Poster Presentation, Exhibition Visit
Coffee Break16:20-18:00 State-of-the-art Symposium IV Asian WIT Networking Event Anesthesia & Peri-Operative Management Paediatrics 19:00-21:00 Presidential Dinner
(By invitation) -
Time Day 3 Venue Theatre 1 Convention Hall
(Hall B)Convention Hall
(Hall A)Room 226 8:15-9:15 (Theatre 1)
Keynote Lecture III9:15-10:00 Poster Presentation, Exhibition Visit
Coffee Break10:00-12:50 State-of-the-art Symposium V
New technologiesSpecial Session 10:00-11:20 Digital Imaging Bioengineering I Updates in Asian Registry ASTREG
Living Donor Registry11:30-12:50 Biomarkers and Prediction Models Bioengineering II 13:00-14:20 Lunch Break (14:00 - 14:20)
Meet the ExpertProf Jeremy Chapman
(Transplantation journal, Editor-in-chief)14:30-16:00 State-of-the-art Symposium VI
New TechnologiesAsian WIT AI and Single Cell Sequencing Bionic Model and Tissue Repair Gender Issues in Transplantation-Biologic Perspectives 16:00-16:20 Poster Presentation, Exhibition Visit
Coffee Break16:20-17:00 Closing Ceremony - We are delighted to have renowned keynote speakers and editors of leading journal to share their helpful insights with our delegates. The meeting the expert session provide delegates a precious opportunity to connect with leading researchers and clinicians from around the world, to share knowledge and experience, and to forge new collaborations in the field of transplantation. Seats are limited. Please join these sessions according to the below schedule.